Weed Between The Wines Presents: Flight School #1: Claybourne Co.

Attention passengers… Take your seats and buckle up! This week, we’re bringing you a new series from the producers of Weed Between The Wines titled “Flight School”. In this format, we open up the floor to one company to present their best foot forward and present our listeners with a range of products, to be tasted together and reviewed by industry professionals and recreational consumers alike. In future episodes, Big Casino will sit down with friends, family, and acquaintances to taste flights of Wine, Weed, Spirits, and more!!!

If you or your company would like to be featured on an upcoming episode of “Flight School” drop us an email at WeedBetweenTheWines@gmail.com

Let’s take to the skies and get high together on Weed Between The Wines Presents: Flight School!

Weed Between The Wines Presents Flight School #1

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